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“Springtime is the land awakening.  The March winds are the morning yawn.”  ~Quoted by Lewis Grizzard

Ok, so there’s this thing called Winter right? And there’s these other three things called Spring, Summer and Autumn (or Fall if you’re one of “those”)…I’d have to say that even though dear ‘ol Winter is only around 1/4 of the year it seems like an eternity of endless hibernation.

I. Hate. Winter.

I know some of you precious individuals just love the snow and prefer the cold…”it’s just so pretty” you say. Please…the beauty it brings is a fleeting moment; blink your eye and suddenly your car is spinning into a ditch. Now ain’t that pretty. 🙂

I for one am super stoked that we my finally be done with the White Season. I think of snow and I get sick. I just wanna be outside whenever I want. Drink ice cold lemonade. Drive with the windows down and legally wear the flip flops I’ve been sporting all year anyway.

Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!”  ~Robin Williams

I for one…am ready for that party. 🙂


The List Goes On